Dr John [1]
In your last letter to me you mentd that it was your Mother’s wish that I should not bring down the Record agst Hanratty [2] if the business could be settled in any other way. since I recd that letter I had a conversation with Mr Hardy [3] Hanratty’s Attey & he mentd that Hanratty was ready to pay the Rent if one of the Doyles Administd to their father & made him a Lease this I think but fair & Tom Doyle [4] is ready to do so on Hanratty paying your Mother [5] , if this is done it will put and End to all Law & at all events if the parties shd not do what they promised we have the same remedy next assizes as we now have, the Costs of the record on both sides will be near ₤100 a sum wch I am sure Hanratty is Unable to pay. I have therefore thought it best to give him an Opportunity to settle with your Mother & pay her rather than send him & family to Beggary – but if he persists in not settling with you after the opportunity Offered on his own head be the consequence. I have recd the ₤6 Int Money from Captain Metge [6] wch I shall apply in part paymt of the ₤40 Bill I accepted for you, that Bill will fall due the 31st of this Month, you will therefore please to be punctual in remitting me the remainder 34 to discharge it when called for. My love to all friends I am Dr John Yr Affectionate Uncle Geo Jackson [7] 42 College Green 13th Augst 1805
When you write let me know how your Uncle John [8] goes on I fear he will never do much good for himself or any one Else - [1] John JACKSON (1780-1817). His father had died when he was about 15 years old and he has been managing (with his Mother’s help) the affairs of their farms and such. [2] HANRATTY – I don’t know which one. [3] Mr. HARDY – I do not know who he is. [4] Thomas DOYLE A James DOYLE and a David DOYLE lived at Urcher about this time. He may have been related to them and on a nearby townland. [5] Margaret BRADFORD (1739-1820) widow of David JACKSON [6] Captain METGE [7] George JACKSON solicitor in Dublin & uncle of John JACKSON [8] John JACKSON son of George JACKSON & Margaret O’Laughlin –he was younger brother of the George JACKSON of this letter.
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